The number of options was fine before, but now it’s much more than fine.
Previous releases enabled customizing HomeRun’s scene grid, which makes up the app’s main UI, by choosing from different colors and glyphs for each of your HomeKit scenes.
HomeRun’s scene grid (left) and custom complication (right).
Nothing is True & Everything is Possible by Enter Shikari. AppStories, Episode 221 – Our tvOS 15 and watchOS 8 Wishes. EYETV 3 UPDATE
John has an update on his cul-de-sac, we preview MacStories’ upcoming WWDC coverage, and Federico lifts the veil on Apple’s restoration of historic Palazzo Marignoli, home of the company’s latest flagship retail store. Apple Captured in a Single Email Message. Vidit Bhargava’s Design Concept for a Menu Bar and Multitasking on iPadOS. Apple Announces the Winners of the WWDC Swift Student Challenge. EYETV 3 ANDROID
Apple Tells CNET It’s Making Privacy Changes to AirTags and Has an Android App Coming Later This Year. HomeRun 2 Launches as a New App with Home Screen Widgets, an In-App Grid System, and an Updated Watch Complication Editor Timery Comes to the Mac and Makes Time Tracking With Toggl Easier Than Ever This week, Federico and John preview MacStories’ and AppStories’ upcoming WWDC coverage and recap updates to Timery and HomeRun, along with news of ADA finalists, Swift Student Challenge Winners, an iPadOS design concept, and link posts about the App Store and AirTags along with two music Unwind picks for the weekend.
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